Authorized Partners
The Branded Calling ID ecosystem is built on a network of Authorized Partners fulfilling key roles that collaborate to deliver the most secure, trusted, comprehensive branded calling service on the market.
Authorized Partners play important agent and operator roles in the ecosystem. Let us know which role your organization would like to perform. Contact us today.

Onboarding Agent
Onboarding Agents serve as the point of entry to Branded Calling ID for prospective registrants/enterprises interested in delivering a branded call experience to their customers. Branded Calling ID Authorized Onboarding Agents are required to collect and convey customer information to approved Vetting Agents and manage billing, reporting, and customer support functions.
Request information on becoming an Authorized Onboarding Agent.
Vetting Agent
A Vetting Agent is a third party responsible for validating that enterprise callers are who they say they are, and have the right to use a display name, logo, and call reason.
Vetting Agents are responsible for performing rigorous vetting and validation of all registrant information, including confirmation of registrant identity and telephone numbers, and vetting caller display names, logos, and call reasons.
Request information on becoming an Authorized Vetting Agent.

Signing Agent
Signing Agents generate the cryptographic signature on the Rich Call Data PASSporT that confirms a Branded Calling ID call has been properly vetted and validated by an Authorized Partner. Terminating Service Providers rely on this signature to know which calls they can trust to convey to their customer handsets.
Request information on becoming an Authorized Signing Agent.
Originating Service Providers
Originating Service Providers (OSPs) originate and deliver branded calls throughout the BCID ecosystem, utilizing STIR/SHAKEN standards to securely deliver vetted brand information.
Request information on becoming an Authorized OSP.

Network Operators
The Branded Calling ID ecosystem is built to enable interoperability and create trust between the Originating Service Providers and their enterprise business customers, and the Terminating Service Providers and their network customers.

Originating Service Providers
Your enterprise customers want to brand their calls to improve answer rates and increase customer engagement.
Request information on how to leverage the BCID ecosystem to create value for your customers.

Terminating Service Providers
Your mobile users want to know who’s calling, and to trust the brand information displayed. Join the Branded Calling ID ecosystem and begin earning on every confirmed delivery.
Request information on becoming an Authorized Terminating Service Provider.
Branded Calling ID Best Practices
The Branded Calling ID™ Best Practices is a set of voluntary best practices developed by CTIA under guidance from industry stakeholders to establish an interoperable and transparent display ecosystem and foster the best possible experience for Consumers, Registrants, Callers, and Voice Service Providers.
The Branded Calling ID Best Practices leverage industry standards and guiding principles to promote trust in Voice Service Provider networks for branded Business to Consumer (B2C) calls.
The best practices communicate compliant Branded Calling ID ecosystem participation that enables the industry to self-regulate and provide security measures to protect Consumers.