Brand Guidelines 2024
The BCID™ ecosystem is built on a network of Authorized Partners fulfilling key roles that collaborate to deliver the most secure, trusted, comprehensive branded calling service on the market.
Authorized Partners play important agent and operator roles in the ecosystem. Let us know which role your organization would like to perform.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and direction to BCID Authorized Partners as you market and promote trusted branded calling services across your network of enterprise customers and their consumers.
As a BCID Authorized Partner, you can access these brand resources to support your go-to-market efforts in this document.
Brand Logo
The BCID Authorized Partner logo is a key element of our identity. Never try to recreate, modify, or augment the logo in any way.

Logo Rules Overview
This logo should be displayed on the on-boarding agents’ platform landing page in accordance with the ensuing usage guidance. Additionally, the footer should contain language that “BCID™ is a service mark of CTIA – The Wireless Association”

Logo Usage
The BCID logo can only be used in the approved colors to ensure that it properly appears in print documents and on-screen presentations. Only use the files as provided. Do not recreate the logo or change the colors under any circumstances.
Only use the full color logo against a white background.

Only use the black and white logo when it is not possible to print or display in color.

The logo should always be legible and without obstructions. A minimum area surrounding the logo must be kept clear of any other typography as well as graphic elements such as illustrations, thematic images and patterns, and the trim edge of a printed piece.
Minimum clear space on all sides of logo and type mark should be equal to the letter “e” in our logo.
More than the minimum clear space is encouraged.

The only correct uses of the logo and tagline are as shown on the previous pages. It should never be rearranged.
A few typical incorrect examples are shown to the right.

Logo Files
Lifestyle Photography
Lifestyle imagery can be used as a way to relate to customers. Partners should use their own lifestyle photography where possible. BCID does use images integrated into specific campaign collateral. This collateral must not be amended, and the embedded images should not be reused as imagery is only licensed for that specific use.
Lifestyle imagery can be used as a way to relate to customers. Partners should use their own lifestyle photography where possible. BCID does use images integrated into specific campaign collateral. This collateral must not be amended, and the embedded images should not be reused as imagery is only licensed for that specific use.
DO use images that are specific to the content in which they sit
DO use images of people in genuine situations
DO use images from events or photo shoots that are candid and unposed
DO use images that are inclusive and acknowledge the similarities and differences among us, such as gender, race, disability, nationality, sexual orientation and culture
DON’T use imagery which shows or features competing products
DON’T use images that associate our brand with negative content or activity

Product Photography
Product photography is used in many ways, but its primary responsibility is to accurately showcase the functionality of the BCID Ecosystem and create realistic expectations for display of enterprise registrants’ information.
DO use images that either depict real displays on mobile devices or accurately depict renderings of displays on specific mobile devices
DO include language around the image clarifying which device model and operating system is being depicted
DO clearly explain what is and isn’t possible with various OEMs
DON’T use unrealistic or generalized renderings that misrepresent display capabilities
DON’T use images that associate our brand with negative content or activity
Below are graphics for your usage. Click on the image to download. Do not alter in any way.

Terms to Use, Terms to Avoid
Content here
BCID Assets
Marketing assets created by BCID will carry the BCID logo. These assets will have a space for a partner to the place their company logo.
Partner Created Assets
Marketing assets created by BCID will carry the BCID logo. These assets have a space for your partner logo in the upper right-hand corner.
Usage of Marks & Logos
Use of BCID marks are explicitly outlined in your agreement. A brief overview is below.
BCID owns the copyright to all assets provided through our resources. If you opt to use any BCID trademarks, logos, designs, and/or other brand features, you acknowledge your acceptance of these terms in accordance with CTIA’s branding guidelines (on this page) as communicated by CTIA and further outlined in your contract.
Pre-Approved Call Reasons
Suggested list of pre-approved call reasons for use by Onboarding and Vetting agents. This list is subject to change and may be updated from time to time.
Account Alert
Account Notification
Account Services
Accounting Department
Agent Call Back
Appointment Confirmation
Appointment Reminder
Confirm Appointment
Confirm Card Use
Confirm Order
Confirm Receipt
Confirm Status
Customer Service
Delivery ETA
Flight Arrival
Flight Boarding
Flight Cancellation
Flight Delay
Follow-Up Calls
Fraud Alert
General Support
Identity Verification
Investor Relations
Item Ready
Order Confirmation
Order Ready
Policy Update
Reschedule Request
Reservation Ready
Responding to Your Inquiry
Response Requested
Returning Your Call
Rx Ready
Sales Call
School Closing Alert
Service Outage Notification
Snow Alert
Technical Support
Today’s Delivery
Upcoming Delivery
Verification Code
Weather Alert
Your Account
Your Order
BCID™ is a service mark of CTIA – The Wireless Association